It doesn't get much more custom than hand-smelted badges, a new gold standard (or in this case, copper) of personalisation for our Camperdown workshop. As a nod to his trade as a jeweller, this client wanted to take copper out of the factory and into the streets of Sydney, plated onto the frame of a BMW R100R. By the time this one rolled onto the showroom floor, BMW's air-cooled boxer twin had been in production for 70 years. An engine that amassed a cult following both on and off-road for its reliability, serviceability and torquey off-beat firing characteristics.
Motogadget Mo.Blaze Disc
Motogadget Mo.View Sport 130
Motogadget Mo.Blaze Disc Dark
Motogadget Motoscope Pro
Motogadget Mo.View Cruise
Motogadget Mo.Unit Blue
Motogadget Mo.Switch Mini
Motogadget Mo.Grip Soft
Motogadget Mo.Button